Enhanced Access to Practices

With effect from 1st October 2022 the South Waveney Area Practices (Swan) of which Sole Bay and Bungay make up two of the five members, will be offering Enhanced Access arrangements to all registered patients in the SWAN area.

The service is being provided on behalf of the SWAN Primary Care Network by Bungay, Sole Bay and Beccles.This service builds on the previous Improved Access service. What this means in a practical sense for patients is that for those who struggle to access services during regular working hours, there will now be a wide range of appointments available from 1830-2000hrs Monday to Friday and from 0900-1700hrs on a Saturday.

The type of appointments available will be those things that people struggle to get in for during the working week and for those things for which there is particularly high patient demand, such as phlebotomy appointments. There will be a combination of telephone and face to face appointments available to reflect the varied access needs
of patients.

We are already running regular phlebotomy, Health Care Assistant, Practice Nurse, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and GP clinics which include routine appointments, long-term condition reviews, smear tests and blood tests. We also plan to extend the range of appointments offered, based on specific patient needs, to include additional clinical pharmacist complex medication reviews, ear micro-suction clinics, vaccinations and NHS health checks as well as more specialist clinics for things like coils, implants and joint injections.

You can access these services by contacting your own surgery in the normal way. The receptionists have access to all the clinics being offered at each of the locations and can book you in at a time that suits you.